Sunday, November 4, 2012

Trick-or-Treat 10/31/2012

Sarel, Kait, and I (the winning team)
Me, Gabby, two new German volunteers, and Sarel
BEN - Happy Halloween!  Another grey, rainy morning greeted us to our dismay.  Its unseasonable and bad for business because no one goes to the park if it rains. Gabby and I had a quick breakfast and went right to the storeroom to start working on our paw print mosaic table.  I added ostrich and lion prints as Gabby worked on buffalo.  The table is starting to look pretty cool.  We were almost completely done filling in all the white space in between the paw prints when a mongoose strolled into the storeroom, checked us out and scurried under some piles of crap on the floor.  A few seconds later Ninja, Dopey, and Lucky busted in and pure pandemonium broke out.  The dogs went mad, barking and knocking over everything in sight.  The mongoose trotted out the front door as the dogs continued tearing through everything. Gabby, Sarel, Corinne, and I cracked up as we watched the chaos continue.  After the entertainment, Sarel and I went to our 'flat' to prepare for festivities that we had planned for the night, moving a table in and clearing some space for drinking and Halloween fun.  South Africa doesn't really celebrate Halloween so Gabby goaded everyone into wearing some type of costume.  Just before the festivities began, two new volunteers arrived.  What a welcoming party!  Our costumes were: Gabby - Mouse, Corinne - Jack the skeleton from Nightmare Before Christmas, Kait - Hobo, Sarel - Farmer, Me - Wearing Gabby's bikini over my clothes.  The Germans speak little English, but Gabby and I tried to welcome them the best we could, remembering how lost we had felt the first day we got here.  We all had a big dinner together, and then Halloween began!  We decided that the first order of business was to trick-or-treat.  Our first stop was John and Cheryl who laughed and took pictures (I think John was disturbed by how good I look in a bikini).  Next stop was over to Hazel's where we were rewarded with a lollipop and half shots of sweet, caramel liquor which was quite tasty.  Giddy with our victory we retreated to our flat where we played/taught a plethora of drinking games and had a wonderful time, slowly becoming closer with our new posse as we let loose.  A great Halloween celebration, I'd say.

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